The online fan group for the legendary cult UK gameshow. The latest Crystal Maze News and insights. Still standing the test of time today. Born 1990.
Original Aztec Camera Plan from The Crystal Maze!
Interview With Richard O'Brien, plus a Christmas guest star with previous time travel experience
First off, this year's Boxing Day special features a guest appearance from 'Doctor Who' actor Pearl Mackie who sets this year's Christmas team an extra little task for a bonus crystal. I'm not against this, its Christmas, it's just a fun little addition to make it a bit more special than the other celebrity specials in the year.
Secondly, and the reason I've done this at 1am because I felt there wasn't a second to waste when I saw it, has another interview. A big one. But first I implore you to go here and read the build-up to an interview with an icon.
Interview Clip with David G. Croft. Original Producer/Director.
Incredible new interview with one of the brains behind the awesome original series. David discusses how the Maze came about. He then goes into detail about how it was filmed, the set, studio locations, its revival, game development and the huge logistics that were involved in making Crystal Maze. (48 new games per series were needed!). Zone transitions are also discussed, and David G. Croft voices his own critique about the new series.
- David G. Croft Producer/Director The Crystal Maze 1990-1995
The Crystal Maze Xmas Special
Meanwhile here at the Maze Fan Blog we have been busy making our own Crystal Maze inspired Baubles and Puzzles. Merry Crystal-Mas to all our blog followers!
The Festive Flavoured Theme
Sure there's the snow, the carolers from last year, a pantomime horse this year and the presence of Biggins, but something about the sound of bells just sets the tone from the off.
Confirmed Christmas 2018 Lineup
- Christopher Biggins (Porridge, I'm a Celebrity, and many, many, many pantomimes)
- Chris Kamara (Football pundit and has a habit of saying 'Unbelievable')
- Frankie Bridge (The Saturdays singer and wife of previous celeb contestant Wayne Bridge)
- Deborah Meaden (Dragons Den entrepreneur)
- Jamie Laing (Made in Chelsea and heir to the McVities biscuit fortune)
The Crystal Maze Christmas Special 2018
I loved seeing not only the Zones transformed into a festive wonderland, but the amount of work that went into individually Christmas themed games as well. This is something which wasn't done as extensively in the original series. The episode featured Carol Singers in the Medieval Zone, Winter Tundra in Aztec and spinning Christmas Puddings in Industrial. Absolutely fantastic stuff. As well as my usual Christmas Home Alone fix, I truly cannot wait to tune into The Crystal Maze Special to see how they've transformed the Zones and games this time round. The Christmas Special would of been recorded a few weeks after I tested the games at the set in April this year, so it will be pretty fascinating to see how they adapted the set for Christmas again.
I am really grateful for this year, not only have I fulfilled my main childhood dream by working on the Maze testing the games at the Studio and meeting all the lovely crew - (my highlight was playing a water game in Aztec) - But I have recently discovered I am going to become a dad in June 2019, so this year has truly exceeded my wildest expectations. Dreams really do come true.
We will keep you posted with The Crystal Maze Christmas Special air date as soon as we have it.
Adventure Game Shows, Further Reading/Watching
"Les Mondes Fantastique" - because Fort Boyard is too obvious.
After The Crystal Maze had been on UK screens for a couple of years, in 1992 Jacques Antoine (the brains behind TCM) brought a cross between TCM and Fort Boyard to French television. Primarily a children's game show, it borrowed a few elements from TCM such as the colourful wireframe map to show where the contestants were, as well as a very familiar lightbulb themed steady-hand game (see below from 2:00). The show was so closely related it even took the original board game for The Crystal Maze and repackaged it under the LMF name.
The Crystal Maze - Another Evolution for its history

It just comes to show how enduring the show still is. The new Maze will host 32 brand new games, a Maze bar and will be bigger than the existing Angel and Manchester Mazes. Finally, we will get a full scale Live Experience Maze. The Mock up drawing below does show two Zones and the Crystal Dome on the ground floor. The other two Zones will be upstairs. The question on a lot of Crystal Maze fan's lips is - Is Ocean Zone returning? I would love to see it back, because Industrial has been done to death, and it was replaced for a reason in the Original TV series. Obviously we cannot expect Water tanks and such like in an era of Health and Safety madness, but a lot of the Ocean Zone games didn't actually involve water at all. Ocean Zone was one of my favourite Zones. I cannot see Ocean coming back anytime soon, but we should be grateful for this awesome new venue. I cannot wait to visit in Spring 2019. Tickets are already on sale.
In other news, Little Lion Entertainment have also promised a Top Secret Live Immersive Experience for the United States. Could this mean that The Crystal Maze could possibly go transatlantic? My guesses are that it could be a Live Experience form of Legends of the Hidden Temple, an American format similar to the UK's The Crystal Maze, but that's just a wild guess. I look forward to visiting the West End Maze in 2019. Keep tuned into this blog for more news on this exciting development.
Head to The Crystal Maze Live Experience Website to book tickets for the new West End Maze. The Angel Maze will be closing as of 27th January 2019. Myself and Adam have snapped up our tickets for the Opening Day of the West End Maze, 29th March 2019.
We will be one of the first guinea pigs once again to test this Maze. We have already tested Manchester, Angel and the real Studio Maze. We look forward to testing this West End one and blogging all about it here with a first review! Next month is Christmas, and that means another Crystal Maze Christmas Special as well. It's a good time to be alive.
Crystal Maze's Future on TV
The BBC posted an article yesterday on TV reboots, what with an impending return of Blockbusters, and it featured the line "Channel 4 have now ordered more episodes for 2019." Until Channel 4 themselves say it, I'm not jumping the gun but it's better than zero lines online saying it.
I also found a tweet reiterating the news but they wouldn't give up any sources
Good news the crystal maze has been renewed by c4 for a new series in 2019— TV Reality 👁👁👁 #SAVEBBUK 👁👀👀👁 (@Tv_reality93) October 24, 2018
In regards to the remaining shows from series 1 (everything filmed in spring 2017), there are some left and they are due to be broadcast but when they'll be on is a mystery. Thanks to an on-demand service for the show's broadcaster in Australia, SBS, remaining teams include a team of midwives, the Ali family, and finally the Sasani family and friends who are listed as a group of police officers, so make up your own naff joke about being locked up. Also yes, Australia got some episodes before we did back in Britain.
The Crystal Maze Board Game first glimpse! EXCLUSIVE
The Board Game is Finally Available
To play it properly, you'll need a timer and there's an accompanying app to do just the job available on Google Play or Apples App Store
There's no games in the app itself, but it makes a great timer for not just the board game. For example, if you want to add some tension to doing the washing up or you want to make sure the kids brush their teeth for a full 2 mins.
Brand New London Crystal Maze Live Experience Venue Confirmed!!
The all new, bigger Maze will also include a bar area and will be located minutes from Picadilly Circus Tube Station in Shaftesbury Avenue. I am very pleased, as the Manchester Maze was quite a trek for me and the original London Maze was quite small in comparison. Will we see Ocean Zone in this new London maze is what we are all asking ourselves? Apparently, the Manchester Maze was originally meant to have Ocean but this was switched to Industrial. However some Ocean Zone games remain. Let's hope so.
Details can be found here:
In other Crystal Maze news, the Brystal Maze Gromit is up for auction this evening at Aerospace Bristol. You can bid online. He is currently at £2,000 with 17 watchers. I'm rather jealous as I want him. The board game is also expected to hit shops this weekend. The tie in timer app is now live on Google Play and Apple Store.
** UPDATE 07/10/18: The Brystal Maze Gromit sold at auction for £15,500 for Bristol Children's Hospital. Secondly, I have just received a stock email alert, the first copies of the new Crystal Maze Board Game have just been made available on WH Smith website at a reduced price!!! I have already ordered!! **
Potential new London Maze Live Experience Venue?!
A simple Google search shows that they've recently acquired a former Casino space, some 21,000 sq foot near Piccadilly Circus in London. (Only 9,000ft smaller than the real Crystal Maze Studio at Bottleyard, in Bristol). We must stress that this hasn't been officially announced yet, it will in four days - but we think this is what the announcement will be! What else could it be? The link to the venue is here:
It even states that the Crystal Maze has acquired it. One of our Blog contributors, Liam found this link online, after some detective work.
The current London Maze is in an old office block and is not really fit for purpose. They will either relocate there, or open a second venue - let's wait and see what's announced next week. Exciting times to be a Crystal Maze Fan!
Will you start the (board game) fans please!
We have been told that copies of the game will be available for £35 from Debenhams, John Lewis, WH Smith and Amazon from October, bringing all the adventures of this iconic TV show to the living room with a host of perplexing puzzles and tricky challenges for friends and family. Suitable for ages 10 and above, and for 2 or more players, teamwork is paramount as players voyage through the four themed time zones in one of two teams competing against one another.
Packed with an assortment of mental, mystery, skill and physical games, The Crystal Maze Board Game is sure to challenge and excite even the bravest of adventurers with success being rewarded in the shape of precious time Crystals. For each Crystal won you will earn time scrambling for gold tokens in the dome finale.
A Middling eBay Auction
However owing to reasons, the team are unable to take their tickets and exchange them for a day at a heavy plant themed theme park, watching a JCB display team. So they're auctioning off their 5 tickets here with all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support, happy bidding.
for more information on the wondrous majesty that is Diggerland:
UPDATE: as well as the 5 tickets, the show's producers have added some things to the auction:
A Crystal Maze Crystal
A copy of the soon to be released board game
and a copy of the book The Crystal Maze Challenge by series producer (and all-round magnificent bloke) Neale Simpson
Back to the Manchester Maze again
Last Friday myself and Adam met up with Mike Park at the Crystal Maze Live Experience, a contestant on the first series of the revival. He is as mad about the Maze as us. We had a good time talking about all things Crystal Maze. I even dragged my girlfriend along to play and she loved it. Our team won a total of 9 Crystals. Nice to see a good mix of brand new games in the Manchester Live Experience since our last visit in March. Worth doing again. No new Maze Merchandise on sale but the board game is due out anytime now.
Interestingly, Little Lion Entertainment, the company behind the Live Experience, have recently posted on their social media about a "mystery announcement" coming soon. New Zone? New Maze Venue? New type of Live Experience but based upon a different show? Who knows! I would love to see Ocean Zone back or a brand new Maze Venue. (Hangar size in scale like the original). But I expect it is something different to the maze. Go to to sign up for updates about this mystery announcement!
Get your Christmas list ready - FIRST GLIMPSE - The Brand New Crystal Maze Board Game!!
Much like I always fawned over in the back of the Argos catalog after the original series 2, this year will see the release of a board game.
Designed by Rascals, the game will see players of all ages taking on puzzles and challenges to collect crystals, earning time to collect gold tokens in the Crystal Dome at the end of the game. It even comes with an accompanying app to download to function as a timer with authentic music and sound effects from the show, (witty put-downs from Richard Ayoade not included).
Other future licensed items in the future are set to include apparel, nightwear, and underwear.
A little YouTube project
And if you haven't seen what I made for last years series...
Crystal Maze Merchandise Update!
A brand new Crystal Maze Board game is currently nearing final production and will be available on the shelves to purchase from many retail outlets as of end of September/Early October. The rest of the merchandise will soon follow thereafter.
With regards to The Brystal Maze Gromit, he is still on display near Bottleyard Studios for another 2-3 weeks until 2nd September, so get down there to check him out, he is awesome. I visited the Gromit Shop at Cribbs Causeway at the weekend and asked if they plan to release a minature version of the Maze Gromit, like they have with other designs. Apparantly an online poll on the Gromit Unleashed website will determine what additional minatures get the go ahead for release, so get voting for The Brystal Maze Gromit please.
I am aware they will be Exhibiting all of the Gromit Statues in the Cribbs Causeway mid September, and then shortly after auctioning them all. I would love the Maze Gromit, but expect he will reach between 15-30k at auction for charity.
This week we see the Vikings team on Channel 4 take on the Maze.
Return of the Muggles
Last Friday, the civilian portion of series 2 started and it was a personal sore point as I'm fairly confident that it was the all white, all male group that made it on screen in place of the world famous (maybe not in this reality but in some reality somewhere) Superfans team.
It's currently just gone 5am and I'm sat waiting in Milton Keynes, Crystal Maze testing photos, book and Twitter competition Crystal in tow to bore the arse off my stepdaughter. I know there's only so many times I can talk about it without being an irritant. However its still the coolest thing (to me) I've done in a very long time so I'm hanging on to it for all it's worth.
Joking aside however, well done to the Gamers. 9 crystals (including a win on a game we struggled with in testing: the coloured cooling towers). The only loss being the airgun maze, which was the other game we 100% failed at in testing too.
The gamers episode marked the halfway point of series 2, and with 5 civilian episodes and a christmas special left, there's still one game we tested we haven't seen yet so at least there's still new fresh games for viewers to enjoy.
Now, the scene everyone's going to remember, Tipping Point. I didn't mind it, it was something a bit different. A novelty, and there's nothing wrong with that. What with TP being made by the same company and being filmed in a studio next door at the same time, why not use the available resources to do something a bit different. When we were testing, TP was filming at the same time and we ended up getting fed early to accommodate their lunch schedule.
The other bit I liked was Ayoade's interaction with Jarhead. Harking back to O'Brien's interactions with Mumsey, after the team had won their final game, the little conversation referring to Ayoade being king of the nerds (which he is, we had a meeting, there was a buffet) gave me something I've been wanting for a while: for Richard to live a little in the fiction of the Maze. I, personally, don't mind him destroying the 4th wall, it fits in with the dry persona he's maintained through his career. However it was nice to see him talk to Jarhead as Jarhead, not Adam Buxton.
Behind the Scenes Experience Testing The Games of The Crystal Maze
So, in 2018, a 2nd series of the Crystal Maze hosted by Richard Ayoade was commissioned, and I entered a team along with 4 friends – little did I know that I was actually quite close to competing on the show itself, as we were invited to attend auditions in Bristol! As for myself, I had to go through the ringer TWICE as both my teams had been picked to audition stages!
Sadly, neither team made it to the Maze as a team that would be televised. One of them, Team Superfans, had made it to the final 10, where there were only 6 team slots available. However, one day, a phone call comes through from the show’s producer, Neale Simpson.

This game is yet to air at the time I write this, but it’s a play on the “Extinguish all the lights game” – the contestant has a console of buttons, which light up or turn off depending on the state – They control some edge-lit acrylic hanging off the rear wall, which spells “CRYSTAL” and has the Crystal Icon on the end. The objective was to turn the word from Blue to White!
Although we didn’t get to test the game (it was partially built at the time) only I and one of the other team members got to see this area. This was where the infamous “Planet Spinning” incident of Team Cosplay occurred! (Little did I know that the planets were to come back later on!) – But it also gave us a chance to see how the ‘airlock’ of future zone worked, which allowed the cell to stand free from the actual Future Zone set itself!
and then

Crystal Maze Gromit Revealed! (BRYSTAL MAZE!)
The Maze tonight
Another superb episode tonight. Both Richards got into a pickle. Richard Madeley got locked in and Richard Ayoade fell into the Medieval water! P.s. I want a Richard O'Brien Medieval banker coin desperately! Word is on the street that after the last Celebrity episode in the next week or two, there will only be a break of about three weeks before the six civilian episodes air. Wohoo!
Hopefully we will see the release of the eagerly awaited Maze Merchandise, and also our photos from our time at the studio soon.