
Wired.co.uk article on how the games are designed and tested

Now, for reasons you either will or won't know, I want to share this quick interview last year with Anna Kidd, the Crystal Maze games designer, from Wired.co.uk where she discusses the process behind the games. From initial ideas through to having a ready and willing group of games-testers try them out on set to ensure they work as expected when the cameras are on.


"In one game, contestants sit on a rope swing suspended from the ceiling and have to push a number of buttons placed on the walls within ten seconds. Many contestants spend the three minutes allotted for the task hopelessly bouncing off the walls. But one completed it after just a couple of goes, with more than four seconds to spare."

I'm still far too smug about that. Only just outdone by that bloke from Derry Girls. Who is now my sworn nemesis.

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