Much like we did for Alan Holloway from series 1, we've seen a commemorative crystal for sale and want to make sure that Crystal Maze fans are as informed as we can make them about possibly owning one of those little items that we'd all clamber over one another for (in the 'before times' obviously, clamberings a bit trickier keeping a 2meter gap)
In the course of my regular checking on eBay for any TCM merch that I haven't got, I found this.
I've been in contact with the seller, on the item page they say they're selling due to Covid, and I think we can all attest to what a kick that's been. So we just want to help someone selling their bit of TV history while at the same time helping a fan of the show (you) have the opportunity at owning one of these highly desirable baubles, which would be surely the centrepiece of any TCM collection. I'd be going in for it myself but I too have been taking a kicking so at least I can do some good here.
I don't want to give away their identity, but it's from an episode in the second half of series 5. Let's see what we can do and get this in the hands of a fan just in time for the show's 31st Birthday.
Click here to go to the sale.