
Top games from the first series of the revival

1. Spinning Planets in Futuristic

My former School friend Robert Griffin gets into a tizz stuck spinning on a planet, absolutely hilarious. This got a lot of YouTube views and featured on Gogglebox. Classic Crystal Maze moment this is. 

2. The Crystal Twist in the Medieval Zone

 One of my favourite concepts of The Crystal Maze, past and present is use of the "automatic lock in" - escape with the Crystal or get locked in scenarios. This is used a few times in the new series, to great effect. 

3. ALIS Dodge the Knight - Medieval Zone

Fantastic nostalgia with this game, elements of "Knightmare" blended into The Crystal Maze with a roving Knight you need to avoid and outsmart around a fortress. 

4. The unforgiving Wet Log - Aztec Zone

A true classic game returns here, twenty years later and contestants are still meeting their match into the drink!

5. ALIS - Riddle game - Medieval Zone

Fantastically simple, yet genius concept. Another of these brilliant "get the Crystal straight away, but solve the problem in order to escape" scenario. A contestant enters a cell to grab the Crystal, but there's a catch - they get locked in a prison cell by a hooded assailant. They have to correctly answer a few riddles in order to escape!  I also like the "Access Codes" game in Industrial, as well as the "build a circuit" game, and many more. They are all fantastic, fresh and fun. The hardest game of this series has been the game in Industrial where they have to stop several moving platforms and get them all aligned to create a pathway for the Crystal.  

The Christmas Special was fantastic, they turned the entire maze into a Winter Wonderland and they even turned Aztec into a Tundra Zone. This was the last time that the maze set was used for Series 1.

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